These days, children and teenagers spend an average of 40 hours a month online.
It’s important for you to know how your kids are spending their time online,
so you can keep them safe and provide the same level of parenting
you do in other areas of their lives.

The internet can be a wonderful resource for children, allowing them to learn, interact and play.
But there are a great many websites out there in cyberspace that you wouldn’t want them to see.
Unfortunately there are also some individuals who target young people online.

But there are measures you can take to protect them while still allowing
them to enjoy the best the web has to offer.

Lucent VIP can install leading edge software to enable you to take control of your children’s
time on the internet. You will be able monitor and restrict the sites they visit to give you peace of
mind when leaving them unattended.

“There is no duty more important than ensuring that childrens’
rights are respected, that their welfare is protected, that
their lives are free from fear and want and that
they can grow up in peace.”Kofi Annan